- Finished all the course work!
- Only two courses left in my seminary degree!!
- Got a job in the mail room
- New suite mate!
Prayer Requests:
- Finish my classes well, be diligent with the last bits of work
- Be intentional about my relationships at Gordon
During January, half of it was spent up at Gordon Conwell taking my winter class, Pastoral Ministry, while the other half was spent back home in NYC. The pastoral ministry class was a real eye opener, and affirmed many difficulties and hardships that came with becoming a pastor. Ever since I first stepped into seminary, I have always been wondering when I was going to learn about officiating weddings and funerals, doing baptisms and communion, and all the other pastoral duties. This was the class that had the culmination of all of those topics and it was really helpful and practical to learn about it and talk about it with out prospective/current pastors. After the class, I had a chance to head home for one and a half weeks before coming up to start my last spring semester at Gordon Conwell. With the coming of this new semester, I only need 2 more classes to graduate, Systematic Theology III and Poetical Books (Exegesis). Seeing as I usually have a four classes and one being a new language, this semester is really not too difficult. If anything, having less classes has given me the opportunity to focus more on serving at church, being intentional about my relationships at school, and discerning God's will for my next steps. This semester, I was also blessed to work in the mail room at school. I may have mentioned how I used to do instacart, but that really killed the extrovert in me because I would just be doing things on my own. Working in the mailroom has given me the opportunity to stay on campus more often, and interact with other students. One last thing of importance to note is that I now have a new suite mate!! After one semester of being alone in my dorm room, I now have a new friend from Japan. It has been a a great opportunity to learn how to show hospitality and to be saved from my boredom of living alone.
- Led a workshop on suicide prevention with youth counselors at CBCGB
- CHARIS started going through "Holy Conversations," and it has been very encouraging to see everyone learning to listen and talk with their friends
Prayer Requests:
- Continued Pastoral Search for youth pastor and Senior English Pastor
- CHARIS members continue to grow in discipleship and a passion for evangelism
Things at Cross Bridge have been going really well. During one of the weeks in January, I had the opportunity to lead a workshop on suicide prevention with the youth counselors. This was something that I had wanted to do ever since I took the suicide prevention class in the summer of 2018. The topic is so pertinent and isn't discussed enough, so it was a really great opportunity to share the insights I learned during the class, and to walk together in wrestling with suicide. The young adult fellowship that I serve with, CHARIS, has also started going through "Holy Conversations," which is a workbook that goes through 12 sessions and teaches us how to have spiritual conversations with our friends and neighbors. The core of the book is learning how to listen to others and actually have a conversation with them instead of dropping the gospel and walking away. The book goes topic by topic which helps to give some guidelines on what to discuss, but all in all, it is an opportunity to get to know each other's spiritual beliefs and share the gospel in a way that isn't forced.

Family/NYC Life
- Went back to New York to spend Chinese New Year with family
- Had more opportunities to talk with my brothers
- Spent time with old friends and with Visalia
Prayer Requests:
- Continue building and rebuilding my relationship with my brothers
- Being intentional about my relationships in NYC
Things at home have been different. Through difficult circumstances, my parents have started fostering a 3 y/o little girl, which means my house now has a child running around. It is an interesting concept and even more interesting to be a part of this journey because me and my brothers have basically grown up and can take care of ourselves. In the time where my parents finally get to focus more on their ministry and freedom, they have chosen instead to pour into the life of this little girl. If anything, this has shown me what it looks like to have a heart of humility, responsibility, sacrifice, and submission to the Lord's will. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this can be, but at the same time, it is so "my parents," to do something like this. Besides that, during this month, I have been blessed with the opportunity to build closer relationships with my brothers. Through a series of events, I can see God working and in our relationship and mending it bit by bit. Along with all this, January was a good time spent with old friends that came back from work. In the past, I have been wrestling with going back to New York. Whenever I went back for reading weeks, it would seem like I was a stranger in my own hometown because everyone I knew was in a different place. Whether it be a change in friend groups or jobs or availability, New York felt like a stranger. But as I have been discerning God's will for my future, and the direction being back to New York, God has really shown me that there is still community there and there is more to get to know. My relationship with Visalia has also been going well. We were able to spend a decent amount of time with each other during this break. Doing long distance (shorter than most people, but still far enough that I can't just visit whenever I want) has been hard and one thing we recognized, was the importance of being intentional about our time together.
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As I saw the rainbow, I reflected upon God's promise with all of Creation and His faithfulness |
Final Comments
- God's faithfulness in all things
Prayer Requests:
- Discernment for churches that I am applying to
- Discerning next steps in my relationship with Visalia
- Be diligent + faithful in all that He places before me
Last but not least is the little bit of reflection that I have been doing during this term. God has really shown me that what I need to do is rely on Him. It seems silly, but there are times where I wonder where God is going to place me for work and I forget to pray about it. Sometimes I will be trying to figure out the future and plan everything, but I lose sight of the discernment process with God. Somehow or another, I try to be more self-sufficient, but in doing so, I realize how helpless I am to really figure things out. Thankfully, God has been constantly faithful and has shown me time and time again that He is preparing me slowly for things to come. I'm still not really sure about what the future may hold, but it is comforting to know that God will provide. On that same line of thought, God has really been placing it on my heart to be diligent and faithful. I used to tell other people about how faithful patience doesn't mean sitting on our butts and twiddling our fingers while waiting for God to work. What it means is that we have to faithfully do the best that we can, and wait upon God for the results. To recognize that our work and performance isn't what matters, but it is a proof of our faith. Works comes out from our faith, and I've been a little too laid back. God has been pressing me to be more proactive in my relationships and with relying on Him for what comes next after seminary!