Sunday, December 18, 2016

First Semester Complete

I can't believe my first semester of Seminary is over and Winter is finally here!!! It seems like only yesterday when I started classes and felt overwhelmed by all the reading, but now here I am completely finished. Winter up here is freezing cold and studying for finals makes us students go crazy. Of course this only means that now I have time to start preparing for my January term in which I will be taking "Christ in The OT." Apparently this class has a lot of reading, so I'm not really looking for to it too much, but the topic and professor are both amazing, so I am sure it'll be amazing. Also since I will only be taking one class during January term, I can spend more time building community up here on the "Holy Hill." Anyway so here's how I have been over the last few weeks.

Let's start with finals. Final papers and final tests weren't all too bad. Considering how for the first time in all of history I was continuously studying throughout the semester, finals didn't hit me all too hard. Don't get me wrong, I still spent basically every waking hour studying and preparing for exams and papers, but it wasn't as confusing and hard as I thought it would be. Studying for my Old Testament exam was probably the most nerve wrecking. We were required to basically have a broad understanding of every book in the Old Testament with an exception to half of them which we were expected to have a more in-depth understanding. I spent two full days just outlining every book in the Old Testament as well as doing my best to memorize all the important facts and information of the books as well as their role in the overall redemptive narrative of the Old Testament. This was actually a very productive and helpful time because I never really had a great grasp on all the books in the Old Testament, especially the minor prophets. We didn't have the time to go greatly in depth with all the books, but just having the historical background and its place in God's story helped to understand God's mercy and grace.
A Small Look at the book summaries for OT

Greek was the next exam to shoot down, and this was actually not as hard as I thought it would be. The Greek exam this time was focused on verbs in the present, future, and imperfect form. I had to spend a good amount of time reviewing vocabulary, but overall the content and grammar was basically stuck in my head. God gave me the chance to quiz my friends on grammar which at first I thought was a waste of my time and didn't really benefit me, but I soon realized how much I could help my friend by reviewing with him and how it also helped form my foundation with the vocab. After Greek was Systematic Theology. This was the one class which I understood the least in because I was just not able to 100% follow along with everything that the professor was teaching in the beginning. By the time the final rolled around, we had had a few clear lessons in which I was able to follow along, but in the beginning of the semester, I really did not understand anything at all! Studying for this final gave me a better grasp on the topics that he taught this semester including the Ontological Project, the Doctrine of Trinity, Predestination and Election, and Biblical Authority. All were topics that left me thinking and gave me new insights, especially the Doctrine of Trinity which I was required to then teach to at least 2 other people. During the learning and teaching of this project, I gained a deeper understanding to the wrong interpretations of the Trinity like Modalism, Arianism, Subordinationism, and other Trinitarian heresies. The best part was the video that I showed that gave a funny outlook to the whole concept while teaching on different misconceptions of Trinity. (

I also had to write two papers for my Spiritual Formation class: a 5-7 page Rule Of Life and a 10-12 page Reflection Paper. Both helped a lot in re-evaluating the time I spent up here this semester, as well as help me project a goal to follow while I am up here. The Rule of Life was meant as a spiritual guideline to keeping on track with the relationships in my life and for my personal spiritual growth as well. It's meant to sort of act like a calendar of things that I would try to complete daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. The reflection Paper was meant to act as time to sit and think about the class. To reflect on all the things that we learned in that class, and what we would take away from it. Learning about the Desert Fathers and other Leaders of spirituality have taught me of the importance of different spiritual disciplines, for example simplicity. St. Hesychios the Priest says in the Philokalia, One cannot befriend a snake and carry it about In one’s shirt, or attain holiness while pampering and cherishing the body above its needs.  It is the snake’s nature to bite whoever tends it, and the body’s to defile with sensual pleasure whoever indulges it.” 

Besides studying, I have officially started attending Cross Bridge Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) as mentioned before, and starting in the Spring Semester, I will be serving there for my Mentored Ministry class.  Right now I am stuck worrying about whether to serve with CHARIS Fellowship (Young Adult) or ICF (College Fellowship). I was struggling with understanding where God may be calling me to serve vs where I can probably help out. I have been hearing God calling me to help out at Charis, but i found myself conflicted because of things like an age gap. Most people are older than me by a few years, and I wasn't all too sure how I could best walk with them. I thought of just deferring to doing College fellowship because they could use help and I also had much more experience serving with College students in comparison to young adults. This has been something that I have been constantly praying about and asking God for clarity for. Right now what I might end up doing is serving with ICF while starting a Men's group with the men from Charis.

On a spiritual level, I didn't realize this until recently, but I was completely engulfed by the business of the finals week. Before this, I had a pretty set schedule in where I would spend time with God for at least an hour each day just listening and reading his word. However once finals season came around, I took more time to study and do work instead of spending time with the Lord. Finals season was also a great time to study together with and struggle with my fellow students to build community through crying over finals XD. What I didn't notice was that I was slowly replacing community and study time with God time. Instead of balancing out and being a good steward of the time that I had here and with God, I let myself be controlled by the flow of the semester and my desire to be with people. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, because in community there was also a lot of growth, but I definitely did not give God the time he deserved. This was something that I had to reflect on and recognize, because during this semester, this was one of the biggest things I had learned. Solitude and Simplicity, two disciplines that I thought were silly, but recognized as my biggest weaknesses. I will continue to struggle with and grow in these two disciplines in my time up here at Gordon Conwell, but please also continue to pray for me on these two things. Another big thing on my mind has been my need for a car. Not only to survive up here, but more importantly to do ministry. In order to meet up with people for discipleship and to attend church, I would need a vehicle to get to my destinations, and this has been a huge area where I have to rely on God to open doors for.

On a happy note, I'm finally heading home again for Christmas Break!!! Can't wait!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving and Final Stretch

Just got back from an amazing Thanksgiving break, and to my surprise... there's only 3 more weeks of classes left!! My first semester has flown by and part of me doesn't even know where the time has gone. Before the semester comes to an end there is still a lot of work to be done.

Two weeks ago was the week after Reading week and for some reason, every time we finish reading week, no one on campus feels like doing any work; me included. We all felt lackadaisical and found it hard to keep doing work, but we had no choice because our next Greek exam had come along. This time the exam was definitely much harder than the previous exam. Our professor asked for very specific details, and many of us were stumped by his questions. Thankfully, God gave me the perseverance to keep studying and I was able to get a 94 on my exam. Personally, I don't think it will be enough because of the way our class gives out grades; a 96+ is an A, and right now I stand with a 96 and a 94. Besides grades, everything has been moving along pretty well.

I am really starting to get to know different people at campus and especially the guys in my soul care group. Saturday before the Thanksgiving week I had the opportunity to just sit with them and pray over all the different things we were thankful for. It was a really refreshing and encouraging time where we spent time just giving thanks instead of always coming before God for help with our burdens.

More recently, I was given the opportunity to return home to New York for Thanksgiving break, and that was a well needed rest from school work. It was really great to see friends and family and to hear how they were doing. I was also really looking forward to doing some black Friday shopping because my laptop that survived all of my college Computer Science degree had finally breathed its last breath. Even though I wasn't exactly able to buy the laptop I wanted to, God was gracious and still let me buy one that had decent specs. One of the things I hear a lot up here in seminary is the phrase "there's a sermon in there somewhere." This is basically said by most of the students about a situation to try and find the silver lining, but I think it is true that in every situation, a sermon could be found. In my particular case, I was really struggling long before black Friday came along on what kind of new laptop I wanted to buy. At first I really wanted to get the new mac book pro because of all the amazing new upgrades, but quickly realized that I was letting myself fall for the shiny and new things of the world. It was really hard to turn away from the shiny new toys that were being released left and right, but God was calling me into the discipline of simplicity. It was true that there was no need for me to get such a brand spanking new laptop, and instead a simple one would be fine. I had long since given up my gaming life, and now all I really needed my laptop for was notes, essays and light browsing. My next choice was turned to the Surface Pro 4, because of its convenience and the many different perks it had that I have never experienced. Once again I found myself chasing after the next new shiny thing, but this, like the mac book pro, was taken off its pedestal upon considering its usefulness when using bible software.

If there was one thing that I had to say God was doing in my life it would be the small things that he has been influencing me through. I don't think I have been completely changed into a brand new person, but I do know that my decisions and my life is now, more than ever before, centered around him. I am slowly learning how to look to and rely on God for every decision in my life and process through whether it was a desire of the flesh or of the spirit. Even though there has been many challenging moments giving up what I thought my heart wants to follow Christ, my life has never been more filled with the Holy Spirit. Of course with the coming few weeks, I will be super busy and swamped with the last bits and pieces of work left for my classes, I ask for prayers to keep my focus on God, and never skimp out on just spending time alone and in his presence daily!

Not much pictures this time, but I'm so glad I got to go
back home to eat Dim Sum!!!!! Chinese food
is super scarce up here besides my
own cooking ><

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Seasons are changing~

Fall is finally kicking in and some of the trees are starting to change colors. The scenery up here is really pretty and super relaxing, perfect for studying. Over the past few weeks, there has not been too much going on. The usual studying and working reading and seeking the Lord. I do have to say though, that there were many moments that God showed me just how much he has been providing for me and continues to do so. He has also been continually challenging me to step out in faith and outside of my comfort zones. One such occasion was actually grocery shopping. To some this may seem like a simple thing, but for someone like me without a car; it was not so easy. Two weeks ago I was out of food and needed to go grocery shopping, but the people that I usually asked to bring me along was actually completely busy with their workload, and was unable to make time to go themselves. I was left between a rock and a hard place and felt God pushing me to post and ask the general populace of Gordon Conwell students. This may seem simple, but throughout my time here I have been struggling with just how well I have been connecting with people here, and a big part of me was fearful of the fact that I may not get any responses and would be left unanswered. The fear wasn't so much that I wouldn't be able to get groceries, but more so the fear of rejection. However God gave me the courage to ask and lo-and-behold, people whom I didn't even meet before were willing to offer me a ride. This was just a true testimony to the community up here and the fact that God continually has my best interests at heart.

This week was our second reading week, and what that meant was students were even more sparse. I spent most of this time working on my paper for Spiritual Formation class. The paper was to formulate our own "Rule Of Life" which was basically a guideline to live our lives with. This focused on different areas in my life starting with the relationships with people around me and being able to identify my key relationships. Then different things like spiritual gifts, desires, vision and mission to frame the rule of life. All these would later come together to form a direction for me to follow and live out my life. During this process, I was given time to process through exactly where I felt God calling me to and different areas of my life where he was working in. There has never been more clear moments in my life where I was able to spend time just listening to God.

Speaking of listening to God, that has been the new spiritual discipline that God has been calling me to. A discipline of solitude which... if you know me... that's like the complete opposite of my very being. However I think this is where a lot of growth has been happening. All my life I talk and talk and talk and yea I listen to God and I serve him and I do his will, but I don't think I've ever just taken time to sit alone in his presence to hear what he may be saying to me. Being up here on the "Holy Hill" I have had the opportunity to spend many nights praying and worshipping and listening to God. We have a chapel for prayer called the Wilson Chapel, and that has been a place of comfort and peace whenever I need to be alone and in God's presence. There is just something different about listening in silence without trying to just pour out my problems on Him. I have also been practicing a style of prayer and meditation on God's word called Lectio Divina, and that helped a lot in focusing and spending time in God's word (More information on Lectio Divina below).

Image result for Sisters of Notre Dame Ipswich MA
The chapel at Sisters of Notre dam MA

Besides the regular opportunities to spend in God's presence, yesterday 11/9, I attended an event called a "Soul Sabbath." This was basically where students who signed up were taken to a Jesuit Nunnery and invited to spend a whole day in solitude and silence. Now who in their right mind would do something like this?? Well I was required to attend it for class so I had no choice, but you can probably imagine the dread that I felt coming into this time. I thought I spent enough time alone and in solitude, but here I was required to spend the whole day in silence, even lunch time was to be done without conversing. However instead of it being the worst day of my life, it was actually one of my greatest days after attending seminary. The passage I meditated on was Roman 8:1-17, and literally everything about that passage stood out to me. On that day, verse 17 was the one that struck me the most; to share in Christ's sufferings. I was really stuck on  that verse for a really long while, because I really had to think, did I really understand the extent of Christ's sufferings. In my last update I mentioned a little about how I felt God calling me to possibly missionary work, but even more than that on the whole concept of whether or not I was ready to pay the cost to follow Christ. At the time I should have known, but God was literally tapping on my shoulders and demanding a response, but instead I brushed him off and told him to come back another day. Ever since that moment, I had been feeling spiritually dry and just continually coming before God to speak again and for forgiveness. It was during this moment at the "Soul Sabbath" where I heard God talking to me again. While thinking about Christ's sufferings, I trailed to think about what kind of sufferings, and for who did he suffer... when I got that far, I decided to take a walk outside and I saw an amazing scenery. I was never much of a nature person, but yesterday I just found myself staring endlessly at the trees and leaves falling. A number of different thoughts started flowing through my head as I was experiencing the life that God was placing before my eyes. Of the many different things God woke me up to, the one that resounded the loudest was his desire for the people. For a while I have been wallowing in self discovery and where I stand with the Lord and my fears and weaknesses in seminary, but I have forgotten the one thing that has always been on God's heart and that I know he has placed on my heart, and that is a heart for the people. I haven't been taking time to really build and foster relationships, but instead I have been just focusing on myself alone. What happens when you place an extrovert in a place by himself for a long time and he only focusses on himself?? =>He starts to suffocate and die XD. God reminded me of my heart for people and though it'll take a while for me to mold and fuse everything he has taught me towards loving people, I haven't felt so filled and excited for a long time since yesterday.

This is the most people that I have
ever seen the Great Hall
There were also different events that happened throughout the last few weeks. We had an open house for prospective students for a weekend which was exciting to just see the campus finally filled with people. There were a few extra students that joined our classes to spectate and lunch was more exciting with more people in the cafeteria. There was also a small Halloween party where some people dressed up and just enjoyed each other's company. Who knew that parties actually happened here in seminary?? We weren't only doing bible study or doing worship XD, there was actual dancing (which apparently some people love and are great at).

Lectio Divina basically starts off with inviting God's presence and than starting off with reading the passage slowly. Instead of trying to analyze and exegete(expound/interpret) the passage and figure out all the quirks behind it, while you slowly read the passage, if anything jumps out to you, focus on that [Lectio]. Re-read it a few times and meditate on what you think God is saying in those words, and then what is the Holy Spirit stirring in your heart about those words [Meditatio]. Next we pray over what we feel God calling us to through the word and just thank him for what he has revealed and continue in conversation with him [Oratio]. Lastly is to contemplate over everything that has happened: the passage you read, the words that you felt the Holy Spirit put on your heart, the words God may have spoken to you. This is the most important and both my professors that taught this advised us to take the time to physically write down what we felt God speaking during those times. It is easy to have a wonderful experience with God, and then just walk away without really taking the time to contemplate and thoroughly think through it all. T
More Info =>

Saturday, October 15, 2016

First Exams

It has been a few weeks and school has been going pretty smoothly. Last Friday I had my very first Greek Exam to which I think i did considerably well. It's good to know that studying actually does help!! I also realized that up here, the students don't really compare or share their grades outright with each other. Coming from a community where grades matter quite a bit, and everyone loves to boast about their scores; I am now in a place where pride over a gpa is something silly. Still, that being said, I definitely have to thank God for giving me the patience to study so hard and finally pull through my first ever exam in Seminary. Coming up this Monday I will have my first OT Survey Exam which will also require lots of studying, so please keep me in your prayers.

The previous week was missions week and so Gordon Conwell invited different organizations to come share with us about missions. In particular, we had two speakers come in: Kenneth Bae and Gary Witherall. They both shared their experience on the mission field, and all I can think was how amazing it was that God used them in all the different places they went to. They both shared powerful stories of God's miracles and learning through things like forgiveness through the eyes of Christ. One thing that stood out to me through both of their sharing was a question that they both had to answer during their hardest struggle, and that was whether they were willing/ready to pay the cost to follow Christ wholeheartedly and completely. This really resonated with me on the grounds that I had to really ask myself the same question. While being in seminary, we study and learn all different things about theology and pastor-ship, but it didn't occur to me just how real serving God was, and how potentially hard/challenging it can be. When I had to ask myself whether I would be able to pay the cost to follow God as they did, I don't know if I were in their positions, I would be able to make the same decision. This reminded me of something Patrick Fung said during the Urbana'15 conference; "If Jesus is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all!" If I did not have Jesus as Lord of every aspect of my life, then was I really putting him to be Lord at all?? This really challenged me to think deeper about my call to serve, and don't get me wrong; I know God wants me here, but this really woke me up to the seriousness of serving God with my whole life. 

One more thing that I found myself struggling through was whether God was calling me to missionary work. In responding to God's call to come to seminary and be a pastor, part of me also heard God's calling to potentially be a missionary, but at the time I did not want to even consider this. I barely accepted God's calling to give up my life and follow him in being a pastor; I did not, at the time, even want to consider having to be sent to another country. After listening to the sharing of Kenneth Bae and Gary Witherall however, I felt God really stirring within my heart. However... instead of immediately getting on my knees and asking God for clarity, I instead decided to push it off. I asked God to come back to me and ask me later because I did not want to fall under the illusion of an emotional/spiritual high from listening to their sharing. I do not know what to expect, but this is definitely another area I would like to ask prayer for. If God does give me the calling, I know that the second thing I will need is the timing, which may not be until many years down the line. 

This week was reading week which is a week where seminarians have no classes, and instead are expected to study/catch up with all the reading/work that they might have not completed up to this point. For most students this is the golden time to write their papers and read up on books that they did not have time to, but for me ... since this is my first semester... I didn't really have all that much work to do. So instead of staying cooped up here on the Holy Hill, I had the opportunity to go back home with a few friends from Germany that were spending a semester in Gordon. My time back home was really refreshing and recharging. I was getting a little tired of the peace and quiet of Gordon Conwell, and so the excitement of the city was a nice change in atmosphere. I also had the chance to visit and hang out with my family and friends which was also a nice change from just straight up studying day in and day out. The best thing that happened above all was the chance to finally eat real food again!!! Since this was my first time dorming, I have been eating cafeteria lunches and cooking my own dinners... and there is no other experience that would make me miss home cooked meals/chinese food ever so much. I was able to eat my full and then bring up food to keep me alive!! 

(International Satanic Temple)It really looks like just any other house...
Yesterday me and a few friends decided to go on a prayer walk around Salem. We actually specifically went to the newly opened International Satanic Temple, which ... I have never ever even heard of before. I did not know that this  was something that was accepted, and so just being there and talking with the people was really eye opening. Me and my friends talked with the people that were working there, and all we could feel was sorrow for the people there. Not only did most of the things they said contradicting themselves and the "rules" of the "religion," but to us it was very clear that they were just pawns being used by the devil to spread his name. The employees claimed that they did not actually believe that a being like Satan existed, but they were using it as a symbol for what they believed. This in itself was so evident to us that the devil was using these people in their confusion of their beliefs to make himself known. This is something that I believe we all need to keep in our prayers because I can not even imagine how many more people will easily be roped into this belief. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Second Week Finished!!

Now that the second week of classes is over, I pretty much have a good grasp of how everything is going. I am slowly making progress through each of my classes, and as mentioned last week, have a pretty good set schedule for myself. This week was pretty calm, and like usual I had to do a bunch of reading and spend many hours studying Greek. I will say that studying Greek has been very fun, and now that I can translate some small sentences, I can see how useful this skill can be in really digging deeper into the bible. Up til now I have learned around 72 Greek words which apparently make up ~50% of the words in the New Testament. We also learned basic grammar for nouns/pronouns, and just learned prepositions yesterday.

One thing I did not expect from graduate school was the amount of self-teaching that I would have to do. Most of the time us students are reading the material and teaching ourselves, and then some of the information would be reinforced during class. We would be expected to know most of the reading/study materials, but not have it reviewed or learned in our classes. This was new to me, but not too difficult. The class I have to read the most in is Systematic Theology. Right now my professor is trying to give us a view into different races and their feelings with how the church is going. This goes into different struggles and difficulties that multi-ethnic churches have faced with things like a dominant white culture in the christian community.

Besides just classes, community building and my spiritual formation has been improving; I am constantly challenged by my friends and professors.Tonight me and a few other brothers will be starting our very first soul care group which is basically a group where we can pray for and support each other beyond just academics. I also thought it would be fun to join the choir (something I have never done before), which meets today for the first time, so I am excited to see how that will go. I have also been attempting each night to attend a group prayer/worship time at 7PM, and on Thursday I was finally able to make it. That was one of the most spiritually uplifting times that I have had during my time here. I always liked singing or listening to worship, but ever since I have been here, I haven't experienced too much of it. That night was truly refreshing and through one of the songs, God spoke to me in telling me that I was welcome here! I have also recently been awoken by how blessed I truly am to have the opportunity to be here at this seminary. If it were not for the prayers and financial support of everyone back at home I would not be here right now. My school had finally posted up all the financial costs for the semester, and just looking at it, I realized how blessed I was that I had people willing to support me through it; so THANK YOU!

On a side note, I had Jamaican food yesterday which for me is something rare whenever I try new food!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

First Week of Classes

Image result for gordonconwell great hallFirst week of school is finally over and I can say that I have never read/studied so much in my whole life. I used to be a computer science major in undergrad and so reading was never really something I had to do a lot of. Even on the off times where I had to do readings for classes, I was able to pull through with minimal reading and my good old friend "Sparknotes." For the first time I am taking my studies and reading seriously, and God has really been so evident throughout this time. Just being able to sit and peacefully read or study is something I could never see me do, but God has given me peace and strength to pull through. The one class that takes up most of my time is Greek. Besides the 4-5 hours I spend on it daily, it is a really interesting class and I actually enjoy learning the new vocabulary and grammar. I even got a bunch of index cards and cut them out into ghetto flashcards to practice with! My other classes are also all very interesting and challenge me in different ways. Spiritual Formation class has really challenged me on my relationship with God, and Old Testament Survey has brought me to dive much deeper into the Old Testament. During my systematic Theology class, my professor opened up with three questions that I had to think about for a while: "Where am I? What am I doing? Who am I?" Each class brought a new challenge for me, and I could feel God working through each lecture and book reading. I generally spend all my time in the Great Hall which has comfortable couches and desks to work at because my room is kinda dark and gloomy. My usual schedule so far has been: Class in the morning from 8-9, Greek from 9-12, Lunch from 12-1, Greek from 1-2/3, Reading until 5/6, Dinner for like an hour, and then back to more reading til around 10/11.

Besides just my studies, I have been trying to get to know different students and build community. It has been a little hard to get to know people because for some reason Gordon Conwell literally feels like a ghost town right after classes are over. I have no idea where all the students disappear to, but they are definitely not studying in the public spaces (my guess is that they are hiding in their rooms or the library), so getting to know many people has been hard. Instead, I find myself spending a lot of time alone which has been a weird experience. During these times I have had a good chunk of that time with just me and God. Either through worship in the Prayer Chapel or just personal quiet times with God, I have felt him giving me peace and comfort through and through. I've also been able to focus on making deep meaningful relationships as to just knowing the whole student body.

Overall it has been a very fruitful and new first week. Many firsts including eating weird food that I never would even touch back at home... but what choice do I have up here :/ But on the bright side, I have tried many new foods, and found out that I like eating cannolis.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

New Student Orientation

I finally arrived at Gordon Conwell and moved everything into my dorm room. This is officially my first time dorming so everything is still very new to me, but I will say that my room is pretty nice. There is a Living Room, bathroom, one single room, and one double room. I have one suite mate who lives in the single next to me, and I live in a double by myself. It took a little while to get adjusted and unpack everything, but now that its all done, I can't wait to get started. I already have reading that needs to be done before class, so I already bought all my books and have started to read them.

Upon arriving, this whole week has been New Student Orientation. We basically spent the whole week going over many many different things that we would need to know being a new student. Our schedule was jam packed with different activities and socials to get us familiar with the professors and each other. Each professor warmly invited us, and some of them even invited the new students to have dessert with them in their own houses. We also spent time getting an overview of Old and New Testament, along with learning about Soul Care. They taught us a general overview of the "CASKET EMPTY" project which is a schematic that goes through the whole bible. There was so much new knowledge to be learned, and I really felt challenged to rethink the bible as a whole over and over again.

During this orientation God also reminded me of my initial purpose in coming to Seminary. I had heard his calling, and to this my response was to give up control of my own life to Him, and let Him lead me. This was something that I somehow forgot and lost during the busy summer I just had, and so it was really refreshing to be reminded of this. Besides that, throughout my time here, I have been facing a lot of culture shock. Jumping from an Asian community to where I am now was definitely something that needed adjusting to. The people were different, the campus was different and even the food and water was different. I felt like a small fish in a BIG LAKE, and it was a bit hard initially to just put myself out there. Thankfully, everyone here has been extremely kind and intentional about making relationships and getting to know each other. I was also able to spend a lot more time with God than when I lived in the big apple. There is a good amount of time where I can just relax and enjoy my time with the Lord in my dorm room or out in nature.

So Gordon Conwell was originally a monastery, and this was a symbol left behind from them.

(What do you see?)
Answer: Lego Jesus

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Only two more weeks until I officially go off to start my new journey in Seminary. These last couple of weeks has been pretty hard. I just finished working at my church's summer school and I can say I was very blessed to have that opportunity to serve with the coworkers and volunteers there. I was even more blessed to be able to teach a wonderful 4th grade class and be able to share God's love and grace with them. I call them my angels cuz out of all the classes, they were without a doubt the best!! Even though they had their moments where they misbehaved, they always respected their teachers and each other. They have taught me how to be patient and extend grace at all times. 

Now that summer is pulling to a close, everything seems to be happening so fast. I am finally coming to the very real realization that school is about to start and I am about to leave NYC and start a new life in Massachusetts. Saying goodbye to friends and family has been taking up the bulk of my last few days here, along with figuring out exactly what I need to bring up to school. I was blessed to have many great brothers and sisters that always had my back throughout the years. A family beyond my own family that was willing to stretch me and help me grow as a person, and as a man of God. I don't know what the future may hold, but I am ready to tackle whatever God has in store for me, knowing that back at home I have friends and family praying for me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hello World! (Programming Joke~ for those of you who get it heh heh)

As I love to say; started from the bottom and now I'm here!! It has been 4 years since I first started college, and now I am finally done with school, or so I thought. God has been calling me to serve him full time, and so here I am going off to attend Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary this Fall where I am enrolled to their Master of Divinity Program. I finished school... just to jump back into 3 more years of school, but this time... it's gonna be so much more intense.

There are many things that I am not ready for and many things I cannot even begin to expect, but I know that God will guide me through each step of the way.



This blog is for me to share my adventures and journey with my friends and family, and whoever else happens to wander onto this blog... I can't wait to tackle all the new things to come!