because of all the reading, my Greek suffered, and this week after coming back from Reading Week, I had to really work on my foundation for the new topics. I enjoyed my reading week back at home, but I didn't have all that much studying or reading done. We are learning all the different tenses for Greek, and I honestly didn't have a great grasp on it. Now I have to spend some extra time crunching down on reviewing Greek grammar, and most importantly, verbs.
Something interesting that happened during this month was when my friend drove me home from church on Sunday during the blizzard. First, we had to drive very slowly on the highway because it was slippery and the snow was coming down really hard. Secondly, as we got off the highway and onto the road leading to my school; turkeys started crossing the road in front of us. My friend tried to avoid hitting the silly turkeys but that caused us to spin out of control. Thankfully we only spun 90 degrees and she was able to pull into a driveway before we hit anything. The turkeys just stood there staring at us before getting off the road... Who knew turkeys would just wander about like that?? Thirdly, after dropping me off, my friend drove down the hill of Gordon Conwell back to her school, but on the way, she lost control of the car again because of the snow and went off the road into a snow bank. She was unable to get her car out, and we had to wait with her for a tow truck to come. Thankfully she had a friend that came to her rescue and drove her back to her campus, but her car was stuck there. So there I waited for the tow truck to pull us out and for me to drive her car into a nearby parking lot in our campus. This was one of the most difficult things I had ever done. I myself was a new driver, so parking someone else's car was new to me. Also, the tow truck had dropped me off backwards, so I had to back up into the parking lot. If that wasn't bad enough, the back window and side mirrors were iced over, so I could not see where I was going. Thankfully the tow truck kept backing up behind me so I followed its lights and backed up successfully without too causing any incidents. At least now I can say I drove in the snow for the first time!
Another first for me was taking the Boston Commuter Rail back up to school. I was blessed with a friend driving me back up to Boston on Friday, and with some guidance from my other friends, took the commuter rail from North Station all the way to North Hamilton. This experience itself is a short testimony of God providing for me. He gave me friends that helped me when I needed them most, and always provided a way for me to come back to school. Another small blessing was my decision to come back up on Friday. I came back up so that I could attend fellowship and Church on Sunday, as well as celebrate a friend's birthday on Friday. I could have come up with my other friend on Sunday, but because of my commitment to church, I decided to come up earlier. This ended up being a crucial choice because my friend whom I could have came up with on Sunday, decided to stay til Monday. Had I stayed til Sunday, I would have had to wait til Monday to come up and miss two very important classes on Monday morning. Small things like this showed me that God was working in providing for me and keeping me faithful.
During this time, God also continued to speak to me and answer my prayers. God was especially evident in providing for me when I needed a car. So, background, all throughout the J-term I was
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Room where we meet for CHARIS (Young Adult Fellowship) |
I basically let God decide whether or not he wanted me to serve. If He wanted me to do mentored ministry, then provide for me before the deadline, and if not, then close that door. During this time I also decided to be more diligent on my end and spent time each night proactively searching for cars and contacting sellers. I was also more intentional with talking with people and getting to know more than their names and what their occupation was. After a week, there was still no luck with the car and I realized that the deadline for the paperwork was actually due the next week on Monday. I did however start building relationships at CBCGB, and was able to learn more about the people in my fellowship. On the topic of the car, I started to resign myself to accepting that God may be calling me to build deeper relationships first, and not just want to do things the way I thought it should go. Then, on Friday night during fellowship, as I talked to one of my colleagues from Gordon Conwell, who also attended my church and had been guiding me and helping me connect with CBCGB, she said something that blew my mind. She said she had been praying, and that she wanted to give me her old car!!
Now backstory on this: She had previously been considering whether to fix her old car or buy a new one, and resigned to just fixing her car. After fixing it, her parents decided to come alongside her and assist her in buying a new car. At this, she now had two cars, and so she needed to sell the old one. She started praying about what to do with the car and God kept putting me in mind. After confirming with God that this was his will, she approached me with the offer and I was blown away. I was right about to accept the fact that God was probably calling me to not serve yet, and then here He was, providing for me right when I needed it most. I was literally speechless, and couldn't think of anything to say. Imagine Me, speechless, I love talking... and now... I had no words to say. After arranging how things would work out, we left it off to a later date to deal with all the paperwork for the car, but I was still so shocked at how perfect the timing was. The paperwork for my class to start mentored ministry was do the coming Monday, which gave me time to talk with my mentor on Sunday about how I would serve. Now that I would be getting a car, I would be able to make it out to church to serve and meet with my mentor. Everything was falling into place, and I praise God for providing when I needed it most. The way how God worked perfectly, in bringing her to fix up her old car and me in patiently waiting while faithfully searching, helped me realize again that He knew best and had always been providing for me. Thinking back, I can now see his hand working in keeping me, teaching me to be patient and showing me just how much he was working in my life.
Lastly, things have been going amazing between me and the girl that I am seeing. We have been learning more and more about each other, as well as seeing where God might be leading this relationship. She has been a blessing in my life; an ear to listen, and a shoulder to lean on. If you want to know more, feel free to ask me, I'd love to share how we are doing and how blessed I feel for having her in my life! Please continue praying for us ^^.
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